Monday, December 5, 2011

Are You Lost?

During one of our latest OccupYrCorner Meetings, we were discussing ways to get the word out to average Americans about the Occupy Movement, the double-dealings in the government, and the plight of the 99% when Occupier Linda said "Why not Lost Dog signs?" and thus the OYC Lost Lindas we born!

Occupy The Bulletin Board! Spread the Word! 
Download a flyer below, snip the tabs at the bottom and post your sign at your local grocery, laundromat, community center, or community cork board!

We have 4 styles to choose from! Each has a PDF for Occupy Wall Street, one for Occupy San Diego (our home town), and a Word document you can edit the tabs yourself for your local Occupation!


 download for:  OWS  •  OSD  •  Word


 download for:  OWS  •  OSD  •  Word

 download for:  OWS  •  OSD  •  Word


 download for:  OWS  •  OSD  •  Word

Learn more about what we do over at